Wednesday, April 30, 2014

YA Round Up

Hello,  I wanted to compile a list of YA (young adult) novels that I have enjoyed reading over the last six months to a year.  I always like to turn to YA novels when I'm in need of a book that will allow me to completely tune out of the world and tune into the book without taxing my brain too much but at the same time really resonating with my heart.  I love YA novels for their character development and usually swift storyline.  It is such a guilty pleasure of mine to be able to finish a book in an afternoon or  in an evening an afternoon into an evening into early morning.  :)  Also, if you are an adult reading young adult...have NO shame.  Young adult is one of the most exciting and fulfilling genres out there and life is really too short to spend time reading things you aren't enjoying whether it be educational, challenging, literary or ya!

The Originals by Cat Patrick
I actually just read this last weekend and was so pleasantly surprised. I picked this up very randomly at the library one day, started reading and decided to take it home with me.  The story is about three young women in high school who you think (at first) are triplets but are actually clones.  The live a very unconventional lifestyle (besides the clone part) of actually only having one identity that the three of them share.  And, their mother is actually a scientist.   The story not only covers the interesting clone aspect but also covers the drama of being a teenage girl.  It also wraps up nicely so everything is resolved (for the most part) in the end and you end the book very satisfied with the outcome.

Fangirl  and Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
If you haven't already, just read anything you can by Rainbow Rowell including both of the books I have listed here.  They are both just so excellent.  Fangirl was just an absolute favorite of mine.  Oh! How I loved Cath and all the people in her world.  I also loved Park and Eleanor but I just related a little more to the world of Fangirl.  Regardless, read them both.  They are wonderful!  And, read her adult book The Attachments, so charming. AND she has a new (adult) book due this summer! (Landlines July 2014)

Panic by Lauren Oliver
I was already a Lauren Oliver fan as I really enjoyed her Delirium trilogy (highly recommend).  Lauren Oliver's books were kindly introduced to me by a patron with similar reading habits.  What I really enjoyed about Panic is that it is completely different from the dystopian Delirium books.  It also has a great, thrilling premise that grabs you right from the beginning but also delivers a main character you really care about.

Perfect Ruin by Lauren DeStefano
WOW.  Did I enjoy this book!  This is another YA book that I just happened to come across in the library one day.  This actually happens to me quite a lot (I'm sure you can imagine as I am in a library 40+hours a week!).  But, yes, it does happen a lot and especially with YA books.  All I have to do is catch a glimpse of an interesting cover, start the first chapter and if it is something I'm going to like, I'm hooked!  Anyways, I really just enjoyed this book start to finish and was excited to learn it is a start to a series.  I was starting to think that all of these YA authors were going to run out of creative ways to write dystopian futuristic books but luckily for all of us, they haven't!  That being said, this is kind of a hard book to describe because I don't want to give too much away.  Basically, there is a city that floats in the sky...the main character is a teenage girl who has a best friend, a boyfriend, two parents and a brother and sister-in-law who are her whole world.  But, she also wants to know what else is out there because they can't (or so they are told) leave this floating city in the sky.  There is also a murder mystery and a conspiracy and royalty involved.  It may not sound as if it all goes together in this description but believe me, it does and it is a great, fun and fast read.

Shadow and Bone & Siege and Storm  (The Grisha Trilogy) by Leigh Bardugo
Okay, so I want to say this but I also don't want to say this BUT BUT They (all books I like) are like my favorites so it is hard to say, if you know what I mean?  Anyways, these are really just fabulous.  And you may look at them and think 'Oh no, I won't like these...they seem too fantasy for me'.  WELL, you are WRONG. They are NOT.  They are just the right amount of fantasy and folklore and eastern European alien-ness and a bit of romance and awesome.  The characters are awesome, the plot is awesome, the setting is awesome.  And, that is all I am going to tell you about them besides READ THEM and their covers are AWESOME and I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE THIRD BOOK TO COME OUT!

Okay, hope this gives all you lovely people out there some ideas.  Happy Reading!

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